Lost Ghosts : 귀Gwisin신 스Stu터디dy

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This practical research ‘귀Gwisin신 스Stu터디dy’ was performed in the framework of “Lost Ghosts”.

We have explored the invisible existences, the so-called “Gwisin”, and their connotations in relation to the socio-political context, dramatizing their traces site-specifically in the urban space.

The final work of ‘Lost Ghosts’ will be presented as part of the program ‘Digitale Raumstrategien’ in cooperation between Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin and HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin on February 27 on the HAU4 research platform.

For more information : https://www.hebbel-am-ufer.de/en/programme/pdetail/digitale-raumstrategien-weissensee-kunsthochschule-berlin/

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