Lost Ghosts

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Lost Ghosts (Jongbin Park, Jae-Pyung Park)

Where does what we lost disappear to? After they have disappeared, perhaps all that remains are the images of an infinite absence and invisible memories. Are they ghosts? They will ask: How can you recognize and be convinced of (y)our existence at this moment?

Here is an empty stage in a box where you can encounter the lost.

In “Lost Ghosts” we intend to shift our focus more on the illusion of the lost itself by raising the question of absence and presence. For this purpose, we reflect on the two different perceptions of illusion: On the one hand, the illusion can be evoked by the act of remembering what is absent or disappeared; on the other hand, we explore how the theatricality that has lost the “here and now” in the digital space can create the illusion. Based on this proposed work, we plan to further develop the concept of augmented reality theater, in which the audience can have a theatrical experience in their private space. 

This video was presented as part of the program ‘Digitale Raumstrategien’ (https://www.hau4.de/en/weissensee-kunsthochschule-berlin-hau/) at HAU4 in cooperation between weißensee kunsthochschule berlin and HAU Hebbel am Ufer

scheduled on February 27, 5pm @HAU4 (ww.hau4.de)

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